Recent Tricks
Embed Facebook Posts in Blogger.

Social media has taken the web by storm, and is now increasingly being integrated with various services.Social recommendations have now become a lot more important then they were a few years ago as compared to organic search, which goes on to show that the way the average internet surfs is changing. And it's no wonder that every social network wants you to share its content all over the web. For that effect, Facebook, following into the footsteps of YouTube and Twitter, has launched embeddable posts, which will enable blogs and websites to share status updates, pictures and videos
Search Engine Optimization,
seo for blogger
Best Desktop SEO Software to Optimize Your blog

Whoever said you need to go to online services each time you want to look over at the Search Engine Optimization of your website? SEO is not a one-time process. Rather, it's an on-going one, which might make going repeatedly online to different sites a drudging work. To make it easier, there are certain desktop SEO software that you can install right to your computer, and they will work in the background when you're not interacting with them, hence making ordinary tasks SEO tasks easier for you. Here are the 10 best desktop SEO software to optimize your website.
Web CEO Pr
Search Engine Optimization,
seo for blogger
What is Blogger or Wordpress?
These are the major blogging platforms which help you create a free Blog. But if you are confused which one to start with then go for Blogger. It has many features whichwordpress doesn’t have and the best part is that Blogger allows you to customize your template in any way you like by editing the CSS style sheet! So what are you looking? Start blogging now and build up a new cyber life. Best of luck!
To know in detail whether Blogger is better or WordPress then read this post.
We have great collection of Best tricks and tutorials, Bloggingtrainings.blogpsot.com is a
Blogging Trainings
What is the benefit of blogging?
You pay nothing Instead you Earn in $$ !! You earn by displaying advertisements on your Blog. People are earning from $100 to $100,000 monthly! I am not kidding an example isshoemoney.com and problogger.net
Plus you will make new friends in the Blogosphere and you earn respect in the eyes of thousands of people. You can become a celebrity! But all this with a little hard work and great patience.
And the best advantage which I have experienced is that you learn every second online! Your internet and computer skills will improve to an extreme edge and this is what the c
Blogging Trainings
How to create a Blog by blogger.com
How to create a Blog by blogger.com?
Creating a blog is absolutely free. There are many quality Blogging hosting services that you can choose to create a blog but the best among them is Blogger. I have created this blog with Blogger without even paying a penny! Want to know how? Watch this video to know how to create a blog in less than Five minutes!
We have great collection of Best tricks and tutorials, Bloggingtrainings.blogpsot.com is a Blog Providing with Blogger widgets, help, blogger tips, blogger tricks, hacks, Blogger Gadgets,Plugins and Blogger resou
Blogging Trainings
What Is a Blog , How To Create Blog?
What is a Blog?
blog is an Online Notebook Diary. What do we write in a notebook diary? Of course stuff that we like and things that we feel important to be recorded and shared with our friends and family. A notebook diary can be based on any topic that you like for example you can write on your hobbies, activities, poems, songs, tutorials, pets, home and family, your personal thoughts etc. People will read your Online Notebook Diary on daily basis and will leave you a comment, suggestion or feedback.
If you write about your personal experiences in a notebook made up of p
Blogging Trainings
Point HTML5 Themes

Point HTML5 Themes
"Welcome to the responsive web!" In the last week or so this term has been thrown around everywhere, so often that even a lot of my clients are asking for a responsive design from the get go. This, to me, is really interesting because they never asked for a mobile or tablet version back in the day. Point HTML5 Themes is an elegant template corporate business. Professional Templates can be called as well. By Admin Panel statistical therein nice and beautify your skin every search page.One would argue that mobile wasn't so mainstream and everybody was trying to imitate th
Blogger Premium templates,
HTML5 Themes
Blogger Store, shopping template for blogger free download
Blogger Template Online Blogger Store of this very impressive. Dynamic design, features simple sliding menu and shopping cart. I love it and so many people from all over the world. I found this template use of e-Commerce websites from Brazil, Argentina and others. In fact there are impressions of Thailand on tutorial uses YouTube Blogger Store v2. Amazingly this template created by Web Designer Rifki Aria Gumelar Bandung native people and launching October 1, 2011.In the template there are fewer problems regarding posting Global settings to make it look more lev