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Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

How to Backup of your Blogger blogs easily

To day i will tell you about taking backup of your important and all posts from blogger blog. you can read it step by step. First of all Happy Diwali to all the readers of All Blogger Tricks. May this Diwali bring lot of brightness and happiness in your life. Today I am going to tell you how you can easily backup your blogger blogs in 3 different ways. Backing a blog is a thing which must be practiced by every blogger. Though Blogger is owned by Google and is one of the most secured platform and can't be hacked easily still we never know if our password gets stolen or we by mistake

Easy ways to make money online with blogs

When you take the time to read all the opinions, it’s clear there are some people who think you can make a lot of money with blogging and others who think it’s just a nice sideline and can’t be monetized properly at all. What it all comes down to in the end is the way you use your blogs if you’re looking to line your pockets with cash. Following are a few proven ways that you can make money but be forewarned, regardless of the path you choose it takes a lot of work and there are no guarantees. Affiliate Marketing Simply put, this is a great way to work on commission

Random Posts Widget For Blogger free

If you’re using Blogger (blogspot), you can see that there is no random posts widget for Blogger blogs. So I make this widget for this purpose. The widget will show a number of posts (which can be modified) in a random order. This is a good way for Blogger users to suggest more content to visitors.To add random posts widget to Blogger, go to “Dashboard” → “Layout”, click on “Add a gatget” and select type HTML/Javascript. Then paste the following code into the widget content: <div id="random-posts"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function getRandom

Install Syntax Highligher In Blogger

SyntaxHighlighter helps a developer/coder to post code snippets online with ease and have it look pretty. SyntaxHighlighter is developed in Javascript by Alex Gorbatchev. SyntaxHighlighter is the most popular script for syntax highlighting and widely used by many blogs, websites. It has many wonderful features like: view source code in plain text, copy to clipboard, valid XHTML, … SyntaxHighlighter supports many languages and has bunch of themes. Install SyntaxHighlighter In Blogger Installing SyntaxHighlighter In Blogger is easy, just open your templ

Auto Readmore Script Improved for blogger

The auto readmore script is first created by AnhVo at (the website is not available now). Based on this idea, I create a new auto readmore script with more options: Add default thumbnail image when posts don’t have any images. Option to turn off auto readmore for some first posts. Option to turn on/off auto readmore for homepage and label page. How to install Go to Dashboard → Layout → Edit HTML, check Expand Widget Templates. Find </head> and insert this code before: <script type="text/javascript"> var summaryConf = { showImage: true,

How To Add Lightbox Effect To Blogger

Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. The Lightbox effect is useful when your post has many images or images with large sizes, it helps people to save time browsing images in an impressive way. We’ll see how to add Lightbox effect toBlogger (blogspot) blogs. We are going to use the jQuery Lightbox plugin for Blogger. And before going into detail, you might want to see Lightbox in action (click on the image above to enlarge). How to install Login to Blogger Dashboard, go to Design, Edit HTM
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