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Showing posts with label J QUERY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J QUERY. Show all posts

Auto Scrolling Recent Posts Widget For Blogger / Blogspot free

If you have a lot of post on the blog, or if you want to show everyone your list of favorite books, but have little space in the sidebar widget this will be a great help to you. This post explains how to add auto scrolling (marquee) recent posts Widget on his blog that looks good on your blogspot blog. This is similar to the display of recent post in your sidebar, but this will have a marquee in this widget. Now if you want to show your blog in this way, either on top or bottom of your blog, then you can use this new widget:

How to Install Auto Scrolling Recent Posts Widget

I have to write two set of instructions for each steps, as some of you are using the default layout, and some of you are using the new layout. So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

Step 1:

If you're using the old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.

Add a Gadget of HTML/JavaScript type.

If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget

2.Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar.

3.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below

4. Now Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script type='text/javascript'>
var w2bWidth="100";
var w2bScrollAmount="10";
var w2bScrollDelay="105";
var w2bDirection="left";
var w2btargetlink="yes";
var w2bnumPosts="5";
var w2bBulletchar =">>>";
var w2bimagebullet="yes";
var w2bimgurl="";
var w2bfontsize="16";
var w2bbgcolor="FFFFFF";
var w2blinkcolor="FF0000";
var w2blinkhovercolor="3366CC";
<script type='text/javascript' src='' ></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="" ></script>
<noscript><a href="">blogger widget</a></noscript>

And now click Save 

Note:- Choose appropriate Image Bullet or Icon That have transparent Background and small in Size   

ScrollAmount:(0 = No Scroll)
ScrollDelay:(0 = MaxScrollSpeed)

You can only modify the code with red color (variables) according to your requirements, for ex. in case of "var w2bScrollDelay", lower the number, higher  the speed.

Watch live Demo

Demo does not works Properly here, But when we add as widget it Works Great!

How to Install This Widget On 'Blogger' ?

  1. Customize Options in Given Widget Generator Form
  2. Click on Generate Button
  3. Click Preview** Button to see your widget Preview
  4. Finally Click Add to Blogger Button to add this widget on Your blog
**Note:- After changing any values, First Click Generate Button and then See Your Preview
 Note:- Choose appropriate Image Bullet or Icon That have transparent Background and small in Size  

Automatic scrolling Recent posts widget will give scrolling of post titles with links

This widget has automated MARQUEE Effect will result scrolling titles

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script style="" src=""></script>
<script style="" >
var nMaxPosts = 5;
var nWidth = 100;
var nScrollDelay = 105;
var sDirection = "left";
var sOpenLinkLocation = "N";
var sBulletChar = ">>";
<script style="" src=";callback=RecentPostsScrollerv2&amp;max-results=5 " ></script> <noscript><a href="">blogger Widget</a></noscript>

And now click Save 

Watch live Demo

(Demo does not works properly here, But when we add as widget it Works Great!)

How To Add This Widget :

1. Customize Bellow form and Click on Generate button.

2. And Click Add to Blogger button to add this widget to your blog.

Many thanks to Harish for making this code and I just tested and modified to work on blogger
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How To Add jQuery Featured Post Slider to blogger

Here is a very beautiful trics " How To Add jQuery Featured Post Slider to blogger ".
How to Install This Widget on Blogger?


A. Adding Script Code

B. Adding HTML Code

Adding Script Code

In old layout: Go to Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

In new layout: Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit Template HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:

Step 2:And find the code </head>
Step 3: Now add the following code just before the </head> tag.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('(3(C){C.8={3o:{19:3(E,F,H){6 G=C.8[E].1h;21(6 D 3p H){G.1I[D]=G.1I[D]||[];G.1I[D].28([F,H[D]])}},2P:3(D,F,E){6 H=D.1I[F];5(!H){7}21(6 G=0;G<H.k;G++){5(D.b[H[G][0]]){H[G][1].1H(D.c,E)}}}},1l:{},n:3(D){5(C.8.1l[D]){7 C.8.1l[D]}6 E=C(\'<2a 3s="8-3r">\').j(D).n({3q:"3i",2g:"-2A",3g:"-2A",1r:"1w"}).22("2C");C.8.1l[D]=!!((!(/3I|3P/).12(E.n("3z"))||(/^[1-9]/).12(E.n("2T"))||(/^[1-9]/).12(E.n("2E"))||!(/2v/).12(E.n("3w"))||!(/3S|3C\\(0, 0, 0, 0\\)/).12(E.n("3D"))));3E{C("2C").2w(0).3B(E.2w(0))}3x(F){}7 C.8.1l[D]},3y:3(D){C(D).v("1p","2I").n("2q","2v")},3H:3(D){C(D).v("1p","3O").n("2q","")},3Q:3(G,E){6 D=/2g/.12(E||"2g")?"3N":"3M",F=e;5(G[D]>0){7 t}G[D]=1;F=G[D]>0?t:e;G[D]=0;7 F}};6 B=C.2e.W;C.2e.W=3(){C("*",2).19(2).z("W");7 B.1H(2,2M)};3 A(E,F,G){6 D=C[E][F].35||[];D=(1F D=="1E"?D.2h(/,?\\s+/):D);7(C.1j(G,D)!=-1)}C.1i=3(E,D){6 F=E.2h(".")[0];E=E.2h(".")[1];C.2e[E]=3(J){6 H=(1F J=="1E"),I=2D.1h.3J.2P(2M,1);5(H&&A(F,E,J)){6 G=C.i(2[0],E);7(G?G[J].1H(G,I):1n)}7 2.14(3(){6 K=C.i(2,E);5(H&&K&&C.3v(K[J])){K[J].1H(K,I)}o{5(!H){C.i(2,E,3e C[F][E](2,J))}}})};C[F][E]=3(I,H){6 G=2;2.15=E;2.2H=F+"-"+E;2.b=C.1A({},C.1i.1k,C[F][E].1k,H);2.c=C(I).u("1e."+E,3(L,J,K){7 G.1e(J,K)}).u("2j."+E,3(K,J){7 G.2j(J)}).u("W",3(){7 G.1b()});2.23()};C[F][E].1h=C.1A({},C.1i.1h,D)};C.1i.1h={23:3(){},1b:3(){2.c.1q(2.15)},2j:3(D){7 2.b[D]},1e:3(D,E){2.b[D]=E;5(D=="f"){2.c[E?"j":"r"](2.2H+"-f")}},1X:3(){2.1e("f",e)},1P:3(){2.1e("f",t)}};C.1i.1k={f:e};C.8.2J={3h:3(){6 D=2;2.c.u("3d."+2.15,3(E){7 D.2G(E)});5(C.x.13){2.2K=2.c.v("1p");2.c.v("1p","2I")}2.3c=e},38:3(){2.c.16("."+2.15);(C.x.13&&2.c.v("1p",2.2K))},2G:3(F){(2.V&&2.1o(F));2.1C=F;6 E=2,G=(F.39==1),D=(1F 2.b.25=="1E"?C(F.2f).2x().19(F.2f).y(2.b.25).k:e);5(!G||D||!2.2S(F)){7 t}2.1D=!2.b.26;5(!2.1D){2.3a=1x(3(){E.1D=t},2.b.26)}5(2.2m(F)&&2.1T(F)){2.V=(2.1U(F)!==e);5(!2.V){F.3b();7 t}}2.2n=3(H){7 E.2r(H)};2.2l=3(H){7 E.1o(H)};C(2N).u("2O."+2.15,2.2n).u("2t."+2.15,2.2l);7 e},2r:3(D){5(C.x.13&&!D.3j){7 2.1o(D)}5(2.V){2.1V(D);7 e}5(2.2m(D)&&2.1T(D)){2.V=(2.1U(2.1C,D)!==e);(2.V?2.1V(D):2.1o(D))}7!2.V},1o:3(D){C(2N).16("2O."+2.15,2.2n).16("2t."+2.15,2.2l);5(2.V){2.V=e;2.2u(D)}7 e},2m:3(D){7(29.3m(29.2z(2.1C.2L-D.2L),29.2z(2.1C.2s-D.2s))>=2.b.2F)},1T:3(D){7 2.1D},1U:3(D){},1V:3(D){},2u:3(D){},2S:3(D){7 t}};C.8.2J.1k={25:U,2F:1,26:0}})(27);(3(A){A.1i("8.4",{23:3(){2.b.Z+=".4";2.1m(t)},1e:3(B,C){5((/^d/).12(B)){2.1v(C)}o{2.b[B]=C;2.1m()}},k:3(){7 2.$4.k},1Q:3(B){7 B.2R&&B.2R.1g(/\\s/g,"2Q").1g(/[^A-4o-4x-9\\-2Q:\\.]/g,"")||2.b.2X+A.i(B)},8:3(C,B){7{b:2.b,4u:C,30:B,11:2.$4.11(C)}},1m:3(O){2.$l=A("1O:4p(a[p])",2.c);2.$4=2.$l.1G(3(){7 A("a",2)[0]});2.$h=A([]);6 P=2,D=2.b;2.$4.14(3(R,Q){5(Q.X&&Q.X.1g("#","")){P.$h=P.$h.19(Q.X)}o{5(A(Q).v("p")!="#"){A.i(Q,"p.4",Q.p);A.i(Q,"q.4",Q.p);6 T=P.1Q(Q);Q.p="#"+T;6 S=A("#"+T);5(!S.k){S=A(D.2d).v("1s",T).j(D.1u).4l(P.$h[R-1]||P.c);S.i("1b.4",t)}P.$h=P.$h.19(S)}o{D.f.28(R+1)}}});5(O){2.c.j(D.2b);2.$h.14(3(){6 Q=A(2);Q.j(D.1u)});5(D.d===1n){5(20.X){2.$4.14(3(S,Q){5(Q.X==20.X){D.d=S;5(A.x.13||A.x.43){6 R=A(20.X),T=R.v("1s");R.v("1s","");1x(3(){R.v("1s",T)},44)}4m(0,0);7 e}})}o{5(D.1c){6 J=46(A.1c("8-4"+A.i(P.c)),10);5(J&&P.$4[J]){D.d=J}}o{5(P.$l.y("."+D.m).k){D.d=P.$l.11(P.$l.y("."+D.m)[0])}}}}D.d=D.d===U||D.d!==1n?D.d:0;D.f=A.41(D.f.40(A.1G(2.$l.y("."+D.1a),3(R,Q){7 P.$l.11(R)}))).31();5(A.1j(D.d,D.f)!=-1){D.f.3V(A.1j(D.d,D.f),1)}2.$h.j(D.18);2.$l.r(D.m);5(D.d!==U){2.$h.w(D.d).1S().r(D.18);2.$l.w(D.d).j(D.m);6 K=3(){A(P.c).z("1K",[P.Y("1K"),P.8(P.$4[D.d],P.$h[D.d])],D.1S)};5(A.i(2.$4[D.d],"q.4")){2.q(D.d,K)}o{K()}}A(3U).u("3W",3(){P.$4.16(".4");P.$l=P.$4=P.$h=U})}21(6 G=0,N;N=2.$l[G];G++){A(N)[A.1j(G,D.f)!=-1&&!A(N).1f(D.m)?"j":"r"](D.1a)}5(D.17===e){2.$4.1q("17.4")}6 C,I,B={"3X-2E":0,1R:1},E="3Z";5(D.1d&&D.1d.3Y==2D){C=D.1d[0]||B,I=D.1d[1]||B}o{C=I=D.1d||B}6 H={1r:"",47:"",2T:""};5(!A.x.13){H.1W=""}3 M(R,Q,S){Q.2p(C,C.1R||E,3(){Q.j(D.18).n(H);5(A.x.13&&C.1W){Q[0].2B.y=""}5(S){L(R,S,Q)}})}3 L(R,S,Q){5(I===B){S.n("1r","1w")}S.2p(I,I.1R||E,3(){S.r(D.18).n(H);5(A.x.13&&I.1W){S[0].2B.y=""}A(P.c).z("1K",[P.Y("1K"),P.8(R,S[0])],D.1S)})}3 F(R,T,Q,S){T.j(D.m).4k().r(D.m);M(R,Q,S)}2.$4.16(".4").u(D.Z,3(){6 T=A(2).2x("1O:w(0)"),Q=P.$h.y(":4e"),S=A(2.X);5((T.1f(D.m)&&!D.1z)||T.1f(D.1a)||A(2).1f(D.1t)||A(P.c).z("2y",[P.Y("2y"),P.8(2,S[0])],D.1v)===e){2.1M();7 e}P.b.d=P.$4.11(2);5(D.1z){5(T.1f(D.m)){P.b.d=U;T.r(D.m);P.$h.1Y();M(2,Q);2.1M();7 e}o{5(!Q.k){P.$h.1Y();6 R=2;P.q(P.$4.11(2),3(){T.j(D.m).j(D.2c);L(R,S)});2.1M();7 e}}}5(D.1c){A.1c("8-4"+A.i(P.c),P.b.d,D.1c)}P.$h.1Y();5(S.k){6 R=2;P.q(P.$4.11(2),Q.k?3(){F(R,T,Q,S)}:3(){T.j(D.m);L(R,S)})}o{4b"27 4c 4d: 3n 49 4a."}5(A.x.13){2.1M()}7 e});5(!(/^24/).12(D.Z)){2.$4.u("24.4",3(){7 e})}},19:3(E,D,C){5(C==1n){C=2.$4.k}6 G=2.b;6 I=A(G.37.1g(/#\\{p\\}/g,E).1g(/#\\{1L\\}/g,D));I.i("1b.4",t);6 H=E.4i("#")==0?E.1g("#",""):2.1Q(A("a:4g-4h",I)[0]);6 F=A("#"+H);5(!F.k){F=A(G.2d).v("1s",H).j(G.18).i("1b.4",t)}F.j(G.1u);5(C>=2.$l.k){I.22(2.c);F.22(2.c[0].48)}o{I.36(2.$l[C]);F.36(2.$h[C])}G.f=A.1G(G.f,3(K,J){7 K>=C?++K:K});2.1m();5(2.$4.k==1){I.j(G.m);F.r(G.18);6 B=A.i(2.$4[0],"q.4");5(B){2.q(C,B)}}2.c.z("2Y",[2.Y("2Y"),2.8(2.$4[C],2.$h[C])],G.19)},W:3(B){6 D=2.b,E=2.$l.w(B).W(),C=2.$h.w(B).W();5(E.1f(D.m)&&2.$4.k>1){2.1v(B+(B+1<2.$4.k?1:-1))}D.f=A.1G(A.34(D.f,3(G,F){7 G!=B}),3(G,F){7 G>=B?--G:G});2.1m();2.c.z("2V",[2.Y("2V"),2.8(E.2k("a")[0],C[0])],D.W)},1X:3(B){6 C=2.b;5(A.1j(B,C.f)==-1){7}6 D=2.$l.w(B).r(C.1a);5(A.x.4n){D.n("1r","4t-1w");1x(3(){D.n("1r","1w")},0)}C.f=A.34(C.f,3(F,E){7 F!=B});2.c.z("33",[2.Y("33"),2.8(2.$4[B],2.$h[B])],C.1X)},1P:3(C){6 B=2,D=2.b;5(C!=D.d){2.$l.w(C).j(D.1a);D.f.28(C);D.f.31();2.c.z("32",[2.Y("32"),2.8(2.$4[C],2.$h[C])],D.1P)}},1v:3(B){5(1F B=="1E"){B=2.$4.11(2.$4.y("[p$="+B+"]")[0])}2.$4.w(B).4q(2.b.Z)},q:3(G,K){6 L=2,D=2.b,E=2.$4.w(G),J=E[0],H=K==1n||K===e,B=E.i("q.4");K=K||3(){};5(!B||!H&&A.i(J,"17.4")){K();7}6 M=3(N){6 O=A(N),P=O.2k("*:4s");7 P.k&&P.4v(":45(3R)")&&P||O};6 C=3(){L.$4.y("."+D.1t).r(D.1t).14(3(){5(D.1N){M(2).3l().1B(M(2).i("1L.4"))}});L.1y=U};5(D.1N){6 I=M(J).1B();M(J).3k("<2o></2o>").2k("2o").i("1L.4",I).1B(D.1N)}6 F=A.1A({},D.1J,{2U:B,2i:3(O,N){A(J.X).1B(O);C();5(D.17){A.i(J,"17.4",t)}A(L.c).z("2Z",[L.Y("2Z"),L.8(L.$4[G],L.$h[G])],D.q);D.1J.2i&&D.1J.2i(O,N);K()}});5(2.1y){2.1y.3f();C()}E.j(D.1t);1x(3(){L.1y=A.3u(F)},0)},2U:3(C,B){2.$4.w(C).1q("17.4").i("q.4",B)},1b:3(){6 B=2.b;2.c.16(".4").r(B.2b).1q("4");2.$4.14(3(){6 C=A.i(2,"p.4");5(C){2.p=C}6 D=A(2).16(".4");A.14(["p","q","17"],3(E,F){D.1q(F+".4")})});2.$l.19(2.$h).14(3(){5(A.i(2,"1b.4")){A(2).W()}o{A(2).r([B.m,B.2c,B.1a,B.1u,B.18].3G(" "))}})},Y:3(B){7 A.Z.3L({3t:B,2f:2.c[0]})}});A.8.4.1k={1z:e,Z:"24",f:[],1c:U,1N:"3F&#3A;",17:e,2X:"8-4-",1J:{},1d:U,37:\'<1O><a p="#{p}"><2W>#{1L}</2W></a></1O>\',2d:"<2a></2a>",2b:"8-4-3K",m:"8-4-d",2c:"8-4-1z",1a:"8-4-f",1u:"8-4-30",18:"8-4-3T",1t:"8-4-4w"};A.8.4.35="k";A.1A(A.8.4.1h,{1Z:U,4r:3(C,F){F=F||e;6 B=2,E=2.b.d;3 G(){B.1Z=42(3(){E=++E<B.$4.k?E:0;B.1v(E)},C)}3 D(H){5(!H||H.4j){4f(B.1Z)}}5(C){G();5(!F){2.$4.u(2.b.Z,D)}o{2.$4.u(2.b.Z,3(){D();E=B.b.d;G()})}}o{D();2.$4.16(2.b.Z,D)}}})})(27);',62,282,'||this|function|tabs|if|var|return|ui|||options|element|selected|false|disabled||panels|data|addClass|length|lis|selectedClass|css|else|href|load|removeClass||true|bind|attr|eq|browser|filter|triggerHandler|||||||||||||||||||||null|_mouseStarted|remove|hash|fakeEvent|event||index|test|msie|each|widgetName|unbind|cache|hideClass|add|disabledClass|destroy|cookie|fx|setData|hasClass|replace|prototype|widget|inArray|defaults|cssCache|tabify|undefined|mouseUp|unselectable|removeData|display|id|loadingClass|panelClass|select|block|setTimeout|xhr|unselect|extend|html|_mouseDownEvent|_mouseDelayMet|string|typeof|map|apply|plugins|ajaxOptions|tabsshow|label|blur|spinner|li|disable|tabId|duration|show|mouseDelayMet|mouseStart|mouseDrag|opacity|enable|stop|rotation|location|for|appendTo|init|click|cancel|delay|jQuery|push|Math|div|navClass|unselectClass|panelTemplate|fn|target|top|split|success|getData|find|_mouseUpDelegate|mouseDistanceMet|_mouseMoveDelegate|em|animate|MozUserSelect|mouseMove|pageY|mouseup|mouseStop|none|get|parents|tabsselect|abs|5000px|style|body|Array|width|distance|mouseDown|widgetBaseClass|on|mouse|_mouseUnselectable|pageX|arguments|document|mousemove|call|_|title|mouseCapture|height|url|tabsremove|span|idPrefix|tabsadd|tabsload|panel|sort|tabsdisable|tabsenable|grep|getter|insertBefore|tabTemplate|mouseDestroy|which|_mouseDelayTimer|preventDefault|started|mousedown|new|abort|left|mouseInit|absolute|button|wrapInner|parent|max|Mismatching|plugin|in|position|gen|class|type|ajax|isFunction|backgroundImage|catch|disableSelection|cursor|8230|removeChild|rgba|backgroundColor|try|Loading|join|enableSelection|auto|slice|nav|fix|scrollLeft|scrollTop|off|default|hasScroll|img|transparent|hide|window|splice|unload|min|constructor|normal|concat|unique|setInterval|opera|500|not|parseInt|overflow|parentNode|fragment|identifier|throw|UI|Tabs|visible|clearInterval|first|child|indexOf|clientX|siblings|insertAfter|scrollTo|safari|Za|has|trigger|rotate|last|inline|tab|is|loading|z0'.split('|'),0,{}))


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//Featured Content Glider: By
//Created: Dec 22nd, 07'
//Updated (Jan 29th, 08): Added four possible slide directions: "updown", "downup", "leftright", or "rightleft"
//Updated (Feb 1st, 08): Changed glide behavior to reverse direction when previous button is clicked
//Updated (Feb 12th, 08): Added ability to retrieve gliding contents from an external file using Ajax ("remotecontent" variable added to configuration)

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ajaxloadingmsg: '<b>Fetching Content. Please wait...</b>',
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alert("No content exists at page "+(selected+1)+"! Loading 1st page instead.")
var $target=config.$contentdivs.eq(selected)
//Test for toggler not being initialized yet, or user clicks on the currently selected page):
if (config.$togglerdiv.attr('lastselected')==null || parseInt(config.$togglerdiv.attr('lastselected'))!=selected){
var $selectedlink=config.$toc.eq(selected)
config.$next.attr('loadpage', (selected<config.$contentdivs.length-1)? selected+1+'pg' : 0+'pg')
config.$prev.attr('loadpage', (selected==0)? config.$contentdivs.length-1+'pg' : selected-1+'pg')
var startpoint=(isprev=="previous")? -config.startpoint : config.startpoint
$target.css(config.leftortop, startpoint).css("zIndex", this.csszindex++) //hide content so it's just out of view before animating it
var endpoint=(config.leftortop=="left")? {left:0} : {top:0} //animate it into view
$target.animate(endpoint, config.speed)
config.$togglerdiv.attr('lastselected', selected+'pg')

url: config.remotecontent,
config.$glider.html('Error fetching content.<br />Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText)

config.$contentdivs=$("#"+config.gliderid+" ."+config.contentclass)
config.$contentdivs.css(config.leftortop, config.startpoint).css({height: config.$glider.height(), visibility: 'visible'}) //position content divs so they're out of view:

$(this).attr('pagenumber', index+'pg')
if (index > (config.$contentdivs.length-1))
$(this).css({display: 'none'}) //hide redundant "toc" links
var $nextandprev=$("#"+config.togglerid+" .next, #"+config.togglerid+" .prev")
${ //Assign click behavior to 'next' and 'prev' links
featuredcontentglider.glide(config, this.getAttribute('loadpage'), this.getAttribute('buttontype'))
event.preventDefault() //cancel default link action
config.${ //Assign click behavior to 'toc' links
featuredcontentglider.glide(config, this.getAttribute('pagenumber'))
config.$togglerdiv.fadeIn(1000, function(){
featuredcontentglider.glide(config, config.selected)
if (config.autorotate==true){ //auto rotate contents?
config.stepcount=0 //set steps taken
config.totalsteps=config.$contentdivs.length*config.autorotateconfig[1] //Total steps limit: num of contents x num of user specified cycles)

var rotatespeed=config.speed+config.autorotateconfig[0]
if (config.totalsteps>0 && config.stepcount>=config.totalsteps){
}, rotatespeed)

if (window[togglerid+"timer"])

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null

setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"="+value

config.$prev.attr('buttontype', 'previous')
var selected=(config.persiststate)? featuredcontentglider.getCookie(config.gliderid) : config.selected
config.selected=(isNaN(parseInt(selected))) ? config.selected : selected //test for cookie value containing null (1st page load) or "undefined" string
config.leftortop=(/up/i.test(config.direction))? "top" : "left" //set which CSS property to manipulate based on "direction"
config.heightorwidth=(/up/i.test(config.direction))? config.$glider.height() : config.$glider.width() //Get glider height or width based on "direction"
config.startpoint=(/^(left|up)/i.test(config.direction))? -config.heightorwidth : config.heightorwidth //set initial position of contents based on "direction"
if (typeof config.remotecontent!="undefined" && config.remotecontent.length>0)
$(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist
if (config.persiststate)
featuredcontentglider.setCookie(config.gliderid, config.$togglerdiv.attr('lastselected'))



<script type='text/javascript'>
if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick(&#39;headEnd&#39;);

<style type='text/css'>
margin:5px 0 0px 12px;
position: relative;
width: 629px;
overflow: hidden;
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding:0px 0px;
padding:0px 5px 0px 5px;
margin:0px 5px;
.glidim img{
margin:0px 5px 5px 0px;
padding:7px 7px;
.glidecontent h2{
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding:5px 0px;
font-family: Georgia,Century gothic,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;
.glidecontent h2 a:link, .glidecontent h2 a:visited{
.glidecontent p{
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding:5px 0px;
font-family: Georgia,Century gothic,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;
background:url( center no-repeat;
margin:0px 0px 5px 12px ;
padding:0px 0px;
.gnav{ /*style for DIV used to contain toggler links. */
width: 100px;
.glidecontenttoggler{ /*style for DIV used to contain toggler links. */
width: 650px;
background: url( no-repeat;
.glidecontenttoggler a{ /*style for every navigational link within toggler */
display: -moz-inline-box;
display: inline-block;
color: #2e6ab1;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
.glidecontenttoggler a.selected{ /*style for selected page&#39;s toggler link. &quot;.selected&quot; class auto generated! */
background: #E4EFFA;
color: black;
.glidecontenttoggler a:hover{
background: #E4EFFA;
color: black;
.glidecontenttoggler a.toc{ /*style for individual toggler links (page 1, page 2, etc). &quot;.toc&quot; class auto generated! */
.glidecontenttoggler a.prev{ /*style for &quot;prev&quot; and &quot;next&quot; toggler links. &quot;.prev&quot; and &quot;.next&quot; classes auto generated! */
background:url( left no-repeat;
.glidecontenttoggler {
background:url( right no-repeat;

And now click Save Template 

Note: Please host above images yourself.

Adding HTML Code

So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

1. Sign into Blogger dashboard

old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.Just copy and paste this code..

<div id="content">
<script type="text/javascript">
gliderid: "glidercontent",
contentclass: "glidecontent",
togglerid: "togglebox",
remotecontent: "",
selected: 0,
persiststate: true,
speed: 500,
direction: "leftright",
autorotate: true,
autorotateconfig: [10000, 1] //if auto rotate enabled, set [milliseconds_btw_rotations, cycles_before_stopping]

<!-- Glider Content -->
<div id="glidercontent" class="glidecontentwrapper">
<div id="togglebox" class="glidecontenttoggler">
<a class="prev" href="#"></a>
<a class="next" href="#"></a>
<div id="glidecontent1" class="glidecontent1 section"><div id="HTML98" class="widget HTML">
<div class="widget-content">

<div class="glidecontent">

<h2><a href="" title="Adsense Tips And Secrets">Adsense Tips And Secrets</a></h2>

<p>AdSense Tip 1: Find Best keywords for your content
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. You can find many free keyword analyzer tools in internet searching the word "free keyword analyzer".
AdSense Tip 2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance.
AdSense Tip 3: Make content rich websites
This means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.
AdSense Tip 4: Write a new page/blog post every day
&nbsp;<a href="">Read More &rarr;</a></p></div>

<div class="glidecontent">

<h2><a href="" title="Use Adsense Section Targeting">Use Adsense Section Targeting</a></h2>

<p>What is Google Adsense Section targeting? Here is the official information on Adsense Help Center:
Section targeting allows you to suggest sections of your text and HTML content that you'd like us to emphasize or downplay when matching ads to your site's content. By providing us with your suggestions, you can assist us in improving your ad targeting. We recommend that only those familiar with HTML attempt to implement section targeting.
To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you'd like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
&nbsp;<a href="">Read More &rarr;</a></p></div>

<div class="glidecontent">

<h2><a href="" title="Remove Low paying Adsense Ads">Remove Low paying Adsense Ads</a></h2>

<p>To increase your Adsense Earnings by removing the lowpaying adsense ads from your account,follow the steps below.
1.First go to .
2.Now Signup for a's free and very simple.
3.Now login to your account.
4.Now Click on My Account.
5.Now click on 'Add New Domain'
6.Submit your URL,TITLE and Keywords.Look at the example below.
6.Now go to Generate Filter List.
7.Drag and drop your domain name into 'Keywords from selected domains:' box.Then you can see keywords,you give in step 4.
&nbsp;<a href="">Read More &rarr;</a></p></div>

<div class="glidecontent">

<h2><a href="" title="Comment Box is made DO FOLLOW">Comment Box is made DO FOLLOW</a></h2>

<p>Above Title Means comments on this blog are made do follow and will be spidered.Comments field in blogger are made NOFOLLOW by default.This is done as a measure to reduce spam.To Become comments on your blog are made &quot;do follow&quot;,follow the easy steps below.
1.Log in to your dashboard----> layout- ---> Edit HTML
2.Click on &quot;Expand Widget Templates&quot;
3.Scroll down to where you see this:-
&lt;a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'&gt;
4.Replace it with below code.
&lt;a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'&gt;
5.Click on Save Templates and you are done.
Now you must to make other bloggers know that you are comments are made do follow.For this add below code to your blog...&nbsp;<a href="">(more...)</a></p></div>

<!-- /Glider Content -->
<div class="glidebot"></div>
<div class="clear"></div></div>

And now click Save 

We have great collection of Best tricks and tutorials, is a Blog Providing with Blogger widgets, help, blogger tips, blogger tricks, hacks, Blogger Gadgets,Plugins and Blogger resources with great skills and templates.practical SEO Tips and all things Blogging,is about Blog tricks & tips, Traffic generation, Backlinks, Search engine optimization, Web designing, E money, Social media, Facebook tricks,Blogging Discussion, Tips & Tricks,logging tips, tricks, how-tos, news, tools and resources, bloggingtrainings.blogspot presented in easy to understand tutorials.Keep visiting us if any links is not working or you want sme more help, then keep looging at contact us 0323-7591466.

Content SlideShow Slider to Blogger / WebSite

Excellent Content SlideShow+Slider to Blogger / WebSite

How to Install This Widget on Blogger?


A. Adding CSS Theme Code

B. Adding Script Code

C. Adding HTML Code

Adding CSS Theme Code

In old layout: Go to Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

In new layout: Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit Template HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:


And immediately before it, paste this code:

#slideshow {list-style:none; color:#fff}
#slideshow span {display:none}
#wrapper {width:506px; margin:50px auto; display:none}
#wrapper * {margin:0; padding:0}
#fullsize {position:relative; width:500px; height:300px; padding:2px; border:1px solid #ccc; background:#000}
#information {position:absolute; bottom:0; width:500px; height:0; background:#000; color:#fff; overflow:hidden; z-index:200; opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=70)}
#information h3 {padding:4px 8px 3px; font-size:14px}
#information p {padding:0 8px 8px}
#image {width:500px}
#image img {position:absolute; z-index:25; width:auto}
.imgnav {position:absolute; width:25%; height:306px; cursor:pointer; z-index:150}
#imgprev {left:0; background:url( left center no-repeat}
#imgnext {right:0; background:url( right center no-repeat}
#imglink {position:absolute; height:306px; width:100%; z-index:100; opacity:.4; filter:alpha(opacity=40)}
.linkhover {background:url( center center no-repeat}
#thumbnails {margin-top:15px}
#slideleft {float:left; width:20px; height:81px; background:url( center center no-repeat; background-color:#222}
#slideleft:hover {background-color:#333}
#slideright {float:right; width:20px; height:81px; background:#222 url( center center no-repeat}
#slideright:hover {background-color:#333}
#slidearea {float:left; position:relative; width:456px; margin-left:5px; height:81px; overflow:hidden}
#slider {position:absolute; left:0; height:81px}
#slider img {cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #666; padding:2px}

Adding Script Code

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:

Step 2:And find the code </body>
Step 3: Now add the following code just before the </body> tag.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var slideshow=new TINY.slideshow(&quot;slideshow&quot;);

And now click Save Template 

Important !!! : Download compressed.js and 5 images as a zip file, andhost compressed.js and images yourself.

Adding HTML Code

So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

1. Sign into Blogger dashboard

old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.Just copy and paste this code..

<ul id="slideshow">

<h3>Enter Title 1 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 1 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Bionic" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 2 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 2 Here.</p>
<img src="" alt="MOH" />

<h3>Enter Title 3 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 3 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Fear" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 4 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 4 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Farcry" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 5 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 5 Here.</p>
<img src="" alt="Farcry 2" />

<h3>Enter Title 6 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 6 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Crysis" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 7 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 7 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Tomb Raider" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 8 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 8 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Game" /></a>

<h3>Enter Title 9 Here</h3>


<p>Enter Description 9 Here.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="" alt="Medal of honor" /></a>


<div id="wrapper">

<div id="fullsize">

<div id="imgprev" class="imgnav" title="Previous Image"></div>

<div id="imglink"></div>

<div id="imgnext" class="imgnav" title="Next Image"></div>

<div id="image"></div>

<div id="information">

<div id="thumbnails">

<div id="slideleft" title="Slide Left"></div>

<div id="slidearea">

<div id="slider"></div>


<div id="slideright" title="Slide Right"></div>




And now click Save 

We have great collection of Best tricks and tutorials, is a Blog Providing with Blogger widgets, help, blogger tips, blogger tricks, hacks, Blogger Gadgets,Plugins and Blogger resources with great skills and templates.practical SEO Tips and all things Blogging,is about Blog tricks & tips, Traffic generation, Backlinks, Search engine optimization, Web designing, E money, Social media, Facebook tricks,Blogging Discussion, Tips & Tricks,logging tips, tricks, how-tos, news, tools and resources, bloggingtrainings.blogspot presented in easy to understand tutorials.Keep visiting us if any links is not working or you want sme more help, then keep looging at contact us 0323-7591466.

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Template Created by Creating Website Published by Mas Template
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