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Here is power of CSS3 which is really excellent and in this tutorial we will see how to exploit it in a very creative way. We are going to create some thumbnail hover effects with CSS3 transitions. On hover over a thumbnail, we will reveal some description of the thumbnail, using a different style in each example. we will be thankful to you for visiting this website. below is demo and downloading link. 

Free jQuery Slideshow Tip Cards, Hover effect with css

How to add contact form in blogger blogs easily

you have to only follow these steps to add contact form.1. Go to → Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget2.  From the tabs menu click on More Gadgets.3. Now click on Contact Form and finally Give your desired heading to it4. Save the widget and lastly save the Template Thats it. Now whenever a visitor wants to contact you he can do the same by just press a single button moreover you can see the messages in your email box. Now there would be no need of 123forms and Foxyforms. This contact form is in its initial stage and we may see further development on it. I think you found thi

block Adblocker users in your Blogger blog easily

Do you know you to use Ad blocker? What is Ad blocker?Ad-blocker is an extension available on major browsers which blocks the advertisements which appear on Facebook / Google / Youtube and all small and big website/blogs. Ad-blocker currently has millions and millions of users. Bloggers work hard to provide services to their visitors and in return they too should get something and this extension is actually the road block in the path.Due to Ad-blocker the ads don't reach some of the visitors and thus there would be no money no matter how much large user base you have. So in order to block Ad

How to Backup of your Blogger blogs easily

To day i will tell you about taking backup of your important and all posts from blogger blog. you can read it step by step. First of all Happy Diwali to all the readers of All Blogger Tricks. May this Diwali bring lot of brightness and happiness in your life. Today I am going to tell you how you can easily backup your blogger blogs in 3 different ways. Backing a blog is a thing which must be practiced by every blogger. Though Blogger is owned by Google and is one of the most secured platform and can't be hacked easily still we never know if our password gets stolen or we by mistake

How to add floating , animated facebook like widget

How to add floating , animated facebook widget in this new work is all about social share scrolling buttons widget to your blogger blog. Its very easy to use while adding it to blogger it also more easy just follow the setups the i tell it to you, you will easily get the scrolling social buttons to your blog. You know that social points to any of the blog is much importance to get better look at natural level its also good for search engine and counted as a positive vote. Search engine bring positive visibility of the page URL which has more social votes to it. So now i am s

Facebook Popup like box widgets for blogger and for website

To day i am going to provide you some beautiful facebook popup like box widgets for blogger and for your website. you can easily embed this code in your html page.Well here i am making a Facebook like popup box for blogger which is also nice to install.When you install it it and when someone visit you any blog page it will display on the front which ask you to like the page and its very simple and clean.Here is screenshot of this widget 1 So you have to do these steps to install it on your blogger blog          1.  Go to blogger dash

Increase traffic in your blogger blog or in your website very fast

Today I will show you how to Increase traffic in your blogger blog or in your website very fast.The main aim for making the blog on blogger is to getting traffic on the blog and there are many ways to get the traffic on your site. Its very easy you have to keep updating your blog and do some work onsocial media and linking and you will get your traffic after the time passed.  Here i am showing you some major techniques which allows you get maximum traffic to your blogger blog. You just have to do some little work on it. There are many sources that you can increase the vi
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