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How can we Add jQuery Images Slider to Blogger

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How To Add jQuery Images Slider to Blogger

How to Install This Widget on Blogger?


A. Adding Script Code

B. Adding HTML Code

Adding Script Code

In old layout: Go to Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

In new layout: Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit Template HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:

Step 2:And find the code </head>
Step 3: Now add the following code just before the </head> tag.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>

//** Created: March 19th, 08'
//** Aug 16th, 08'- Updated to v 1.4:
//1) Adds ability to set speed/duration of panel animation (in milliseconds)
//2) Adds persistence support, so the last viewed panel is recalled when viewer returns within same browser session
//3) Adds ability to specify whether panels should stop at the very last and first panel, or wrap around and start all over again
//4) Adds option to specify two navigational image links positioned to the left and right of the Carousel Viewer to move the panels back and forth

//** Aug 27th, 08'- Nav buttons (if enabled) also repositions themselves now if window is resized

var stepcarousel={
ajaxloadingmsg: '<div style="margin: 1em; font-weight: bold"><img src="ajaxloadr.gif" style="vertical-align: middle" /> Fetching Content. Please wait...</div>', //customize HTML to show while fetching Ajax content
defaultbuttonsfade: 0.4, //Fade degree for disabled nav buttons (0=completely transparent, 1=completely opaque)
configholder: {},

getCSSValue:function(val){ //Returns either 0 (if val contains 'auto') or val as an integer
return (val=="auto")? 0 : parseInt(val)

getremotepanels:function($, config){ //function to fetch external page containing the panel DIVs
url: config.contenttype[1], //path to external content
async: true,
config.$belt.html('Error fetching content.<br />Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText)
stepcarousel.alignpanels($, config)

getoffset:function(what, offsettype){
return (what.offsetParent)? what[offsettype]+this.getoffset(what.offsetParent, offsettype) : what[offsettype]

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null

setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"="+value

fadebuttons:function(config, currentpanel){
config.$leftnavbutton.fadeTo('fast', currentpanel==0? this.defaultbuttonsfade : 1)
config.$rightnavbutton.fadeTo('fast', currentpanel==config.lastvisiblepanel? this.defaultbuttonsfade : 1)

addnavbuttons:function(config, currentpanel){
config.$leftnavbutton=$('<img src="'+config.defaultbuttons.leftnav[0]+'">').css({zIndex:50, position:'absolute', left:config.offsets.left+config.defaultbuttons.leftnav[1]+'px',[2]+'px', cursor:'hand', cursor:'pointer'}).attr({title:'Back '+config.defaultbuttons.moveby+' panels'}).appendTo('body')
config.$rightnavbutton=$('<img src="'+config.defaultbuttons.rightnav[0]+'">').css({zIndex:50, position:'absolute', left:config.offsets.left+config.$gallery.get(0).offsetWidth+config.defaultbuttons.rightnav[1]+'px',[2]+'px', cursor:'hand', cursor:'pointer'}).attr({title:'Forward '+config.defaultbuttons.moveby+' panels'}).appendTo('body')
config.$leftnavbutton.bind('click', function(){ //assign nav button event handlers
stepcarousel.stepBy(config.galleryid, -config.defaultbuttons.moveby)
config.$rightnavbutton.bind('click', function(){ //assign nav button event handlers
stepcarousel.stepBy(config.galleryid, config.defaultbuttons.moveby)
if (config.panelbehavior.wraparound==false){ //if carousel viewer should stop at first or last panel (instead of wrap back or forth)
this.fadebuttons(config, currentpanel)

alignpanels:function($, config){
var paneloffset=0
config.paneloffsets=[paneloffset] //array to store upper left offset of each panel (1st element=0)
config.panelwidths=[] //array to store widths of each panel
config.$panels.each(function(index){ //loop through panels
var $currentpanel=$(this)
$currentpanel.css({float: 'none', position: 'absolute', left: paneloffset+'px'}) //position panel
$currentpanel.bind('click', function(e){return config.onpanelclick(}) //bind onpanelclick() to onclick event
paneloffset+=stepcarousel.getCSSValue($currentpanel.css('marginRight')) + parseInt($currentpanel.get(0).offsetWidth || $currentpanel.css('width')) //calculate next panel offset
config.paneloffsets.push(paneloffset) //remember this offset
config.panelwidths.push(paneloffset-config.paneloffsets[config.paneloffsets.length-2]) //remember panel width
config.paneloffsets.pop() //delete last offset (redundant)
var addpanelwidths=0
var lastpanelindex=config.$panels.length-1
for (var i=config.$panels.length-1; i>=0; i--){
addpanelwidths+=(i==lastpanelindex? config.panelwidths[lastpanelindex] : config.paneloffsets[i+1]-config.paneloffsets[i])
if (config.gallerywidth>addpanelwidths){
config.lastvisiblepanel=i //calculate index of panel that when in 1st position reveals the very last panel all at once based on gallery width
config.$belt.css({width: paneloffset+'px'}) //Set Belt DIV to total panels' widths
config.currentpanel=(config.panelbehavior.persist)? parseInt(this.getCookie(window[config.galleryid+"persist"])) : 0 //determine 1st panel to show by default
config.currentpanel=(typeof config.currentpanel=="number" && config.currentpanel<config.$panels.length)? config.currentpanel : 0
if (config.currentpanel!=0){
var endpoint=config.paneloffsets[config.currentpanel]+(config.currentpanel==0? 0 : config.beltoffset)
config.$belt.css({left: -endpoint+'px'})
if (config.defaultbuttons.enable==true){ //if enable default back/forth nav buttons
this.addnavbuttons(config, config.currentpanel)
$(window).bind("load, resize", function(){ //refresh position of nav buttons when page loads/resizes, in case offsets weren't available document.oncontentload
config.offsets={left:stepcarousel.getoffset(config.$gallery.get(0), "offsetLeft"), top:stepcarousel.getoffset(config.$gallery.get(0), "offsetTop")}

stepTo:function(galleryid, pindex){ /*User entered pindex starts at 1 for intuitiveness. Internally pindex still starts at 0 */
var config=stepcarousel.configholder[galleryid]
if (typeof config=="undefined"){
alert("There's an error with your set up of Carousel Viewer \""+galleryid+ "\"!")
var pindex=Math.min(pindex-1, config.paneloffsets.length-1)
var endpoint=config.paneloffsets[pindex]+(pindex==0? 0 : config.beltoffset)
if (config.panelbehavior.wraparound==false && config.defaultbuttons.enable==true){ //if carousel viewer should stop at first or last panel (instead of wrap back or forth)
this.fadebuttons(config, pindex)
config.$belt.animate({left: -endpoint+'px'}, config.panelbehavior.speed, function(){config.onslideaction(this)})

stepBy:function(galleryid, steps){
var config=stepcarousel.configholder[galleryid]
if (typeof config=="undefined"){
alert("There's an error with your set up of Carousel Viewer \""+galleryid+ "\"!")
var direction=(steps>0)? 'forward' : 'back' //If "steps" is negative, that means backwards
var pindex=config.currentpanel+steps //index of panel to stop at
if (config.panelbehavior.wraparound==false){ //if carousel viewer should stop at first or last panel (instead of wrap back or forth)
pindex=(direction=="back" && pindex<=0)? 0 : (direction=="forward")? Math.min(pindex, config.lastvisiblepanel) : pindex
if (config.defaultbuttons.enable==true){ //if default nav buttons are enabled, fade them in and out depending on if at start or end of carousel
stepcarousel.fadebuttons(config, pindex)
else{ //else, for normal stepBy behavior
pindex=(pindex>config.paneloffsets.length-1 || pindex<0 && pindex-steps>0)? 0 : (pindex<0)? config.paneloffsets.length+steps : pindex //take into account end or starting panel and step direction
var endpoint=config.paneloffsets[pindex]+(pindex==0? 0 : config.beltoffset) //left distance for Belt DIV to travel to
if (pindex==0 && direction=='forward' || config.currentpanel==0 && direction=='back' && config.panelbehavior.wraparound==true){ //decide whether to apply "push pull" effect
config.$belt.animate({left: -config.paneloffsets[config.currentpanel]-(direction=='forward'? 100 : -30)+'px'}, 'normal', function(){
config.$belt.animate({left: -endpoint+'px'}, config.panelbehavior.speed, function(){config.onslideaction(this)})
config.$belt.animate({left: -endpoint+'px'}, config.panelbehavior.speed, function(){config.onslideaction(this)})

var config=stepcarousel.configholder[galleryid]
var startpoint=config.currentpanel //index of first visible panel
var visiblewidth=0
for (var endpoint=startpoint; endpoint<config.paneloffsets.length; endpoint++){ //index (endpoint) of last visible panel
if (visiblewidth>config.gallerywidth){
startpoint+=1 //format startpoint for user friendiness
endpoint=(endpoint+1==startpoint)? startpoint : endpoint //If only one image visible on the screen and partially hidden, set endpoint to startpoint
var valuearray=[startpoint, endpoint, config.panelwidths.length]
for (var i=0; i<config.statusvars.length; i++){
window[config.statusvars[i]]=valuearray[i] //Define variable (with user specified name) and set to one of the status values
config.$statusobjs[i].text(valuearray[i]+" ") //Populate element on page with ID="user specified name" with one of the status values

//Disable Step Gallery scrollbars ASAP dynamically (enabled for sake of users with JS disabled)
document.write('<style type="text/css">\n#'+config.galleryid+'{overflow: hidden;}\n</style>')
config.offsets={left:stepcarousel.getoffset(config.$gallery.get(0), "offsetLeft"), top:stepcarousel.getoffset(config.$gallery.get(0), "offsetTop")}
config.$belt=config.$gallery.find('.'+config.beltclass) //Find Belt DIV that contains all the panels
config.$panels=config.$gallery.find('.'+config.panelclass) //Find Panel DIVs that each contain a slide
config.onpanelclick=(typeof config.onpanelclick=="undefined")? function(target){} : config.onpanelclick //attach custom "onpanelclick" event handler
config.onslideaction=(typeof config.onslide=="undefined")? function(){} : function(beltobj){$(beltobj).stop(); config.onslide()} //attach custom "onslide" event handler
config.oninit=(typeof config.oninit=="undefined")? function(){} : config.oninit //attach custom "oninit" event handler
config.beltoffset=stepcarousel.getCSSValue(config.$belt.css('marginLeft')) //Find length of Belt DIV's left margin
config.statusvars=config.statusvars || [] //get variable names that will hold "start", "end", and "total" slides info
config.$statusobjs=[$('#'+config.statusvars[0]), $('#'+config.statusvars[1]), $('#'+config.statusvars[2])]
stepcarousel.configholder[config.galleryid]=config //store config parameter as a variable
if (config.contenttype[0]=="ajax" && typeof config.contenttype[1]!="undefined") //fetch ajax content?
stepcarousel.getremotepanels($, config)
stepcarousel.alignpanels($, config) //align panels and initialize gallery
}) //end document.ready
jQuery(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up
if (config.panelbehavior.persist){
stepcarousel.setCookie(window[config.galleryid+"persist"], config.currentpanel)
jQuery.each(config, function(ai, oi){


<style type='text/css'>
position: relative; /*leave this value alone*/
overflow: scroll; /*leave this value alone*/
width: 95%; /*Width of Carousel Viewer itself*/
height: 165px; /*Height should enough to fit largest content&#39;s height*/
margin: 0px 14px 5px 14px;
.stepcarousel .belt{
position: absolute; /*leave this value alone*/
left: 0;
top: 0;
.stepcarousel .panel{
float: left; /*leave this value alone*/
overflow: hidden; /*clip content that go outside dimensions of holding panel DIV*/
margin: 10px 17px ; /*margin around each panel*/
width:220px; /*Width of each panel holding each content. If removed, widths should be individually defined on each content DIV then. */
border:1px solid #393f42;
.stepcarousel .panel p{
text-align: left; /*leave this value alone*/
overflow: hidden; /*clip content that go outside dimensions of holding panel DIV*/
margin: 5px 5px ; /*margin around each panel*/
.stepcarousel .panel h2{
text-align: left; /*leave this value alone*/
overflow: hidden; /*clip content that go outside dimensions of holding panel DIV*/
margin: 2px 5px ; /*margin around each panel*/
font-family:Georgia,century gothic,Arial,verdana, sans-serif;
.stepcarousel .panel img{
float: left; /*leave this value alone*/
background:#040404; /*clip content that go outside dimensions of holding panel DIV*/
margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; /*margin around each panel*/
padding:0px 0px;

And now click Save Template 

Note : You can change width value as your choice.

Adding HTML Code

So, let's see how to install this cool widget in your blog..

1. Sign into Blogger dashboard

old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Page Elements - Add a Gadget.If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget.Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.Just copy and paste this code..

<div id="myslides">

<script type="text/javascript">
galleryid: 'mygallery', //id of carousel DIV
beltclass: 'belt', //class of inner "belt" DIV containing all the panel DIVs
panelclass: 'panel', //class of panel DIVs each holding content
panelbehavior: {speed:500, wraparound:true, persist:true},
defaultbuttons: {enable: true, moveby: 2, leftnav: ['', -14, 60], rightnav: ['', 0, 60]},
statusvars: ['statusA', 'statusB', 'statusC'], //register 3 variables that contain current panel (start), current panel (last), and total panels
contenttype: ['external'] //content setting ['inline'] or ['external', 'path_to_external_file']

<div id="mygallery" class="stepcarousel">
<div class="belt">

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS Most Wanted">
<img alt="NFS Most Wanted" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Call Of Duty">
<img alt="Call Of Duty" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="MaxPayne3 Game">
<img alt="MaxPayne3 Game" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Tomb Raider">
<img alt="Tomb Raider" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Harry Potter">
<img alt="Harry Potter" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS ProStreet">
<img alt="NFS ProStreet" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="MaxPayne Movie">
<img alt="MaxPayne Movie" width="200" src="" height="120"/>

<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS Undercover">
<img alt="NFS Undercover" width="200" src="" height="120"/>


And now click Save 

Note: Host above 2 images yourself.

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