When you take the time to read all the opinions, it’s clear there are some people who think you can make a lot of money with blogging and others who think it’s just a nice sideline and can’t be monetized properly at all.
What it all comes down to in the end is the way you use your blogs if you’re looking to line your pockets with cash. Following are a few proven ways that you can make money but be forewarned, regardless of the path you choose it takes a lot of work and there are no guarantees.
Affiliate Marketing
Simply put, this is a great way to work on commissions selling someone else’s product or services. One of the prerequisites here is you’ll need to believe in the product or service your standing behind. Of course it’s possible to promote someone else’s goods without really believing in them, but any blogs you write as part of an affiliate marketing campaign will be much more believable when you’re 100% behind what you’re trying to sell.
The best tone for any kind of text that you use for affiliate marketing is educational. Remember if you try and hit and prospects over the head with a hard sell, they’ll just turn away from what it is you’re trying to get them to buy. Be aware that there are many other people trying their hand at affiliate marketing at the same time. You’ll need to be able to dig in and work long and hard without immediate returns at first but making money here is a possibility.
SEO Marketing
Writing blogs and incorporating links and keywords is another way to make money. Generally there’s no shortage of smaller businesses and their corresponding websites that need this kind of SEO marketing done, but it’s important here that you’re upfront with any clients and let them know right away that a successful campaign takes three or four months to gain traction.
Of course there are many other paths that you can take when you’re looking to make money blogging. Whichever one you choose, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that you need to write in the active voice to be successful. Remember to take those few extra moments to self edit your blogs. It’s a great idea if you can find another set of eyes to look over your work before you hit the send button as well.
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