Recent Tricks
Tips For Making Your Blog Posts More Readable
You might have a lot of ideas for your blog posts and you might know many tricks on how to successfully promote your blog. However, the content on a blog is as important as your marketing tools. The reason is simple: you want readers to come back. If you get readers to come to your page, but they don’t enjoy reading your blog posts, they won’t be back.
You might have a great interesting idea for a blog post. But if the blog post you come up with is not readable, your idea just goes to waste. Writing good blog posts takes practice and there are a few things which you can do to make your art
Blogger tricks,
Blogging Trainings
How to add Disable right click effect in blogger
Disable Right Click
Copy the following code inside <head>
<script src=' files/disable right click.js' type='text/javascript'/>
a lot of other tips and tricks like how to add more blogger widgets, add social book marking baar, add new sidebar, add facebook lik box , post google adse inside or below the post title , google adse between post,Horizontal manu bar for blogger, image slider for blogger.Please keep wathcing flash for blogger templates, and a lot of other tricks for blogger us
Blogger tricks,
Blogging Trainings
Smooth Jquery Scroll to Top widget generator for Blogger ,
Blogger tricks,
Blogger widgets,
Blogging Trainings,
How to add Google +1 button and Badge for Blogger
Google's new GPlus +1 button for blogger,that lets to share your blog with like minded people across the world. Blogger introduces two Google+ gadgets (+1 Button and Google+ Badge) .Google+ button is almost same as Facebook Like button.Unlike the Google+ button appears below the post,the gadget is specific to your blog.Google+ gadget allows your visitors to recommend your blog and able to share on their circles.Here i am going to show how to add this gadgets..
Sig in to your Blogger
Go to Layout and click Add Gadget
Take +1 button or Google+ B
Facebook jQuery POP OUT likebox widget generator,blogging tricks
I had developed a Facebook Static popout jquery effect Like box generator for you.This Widget Generator let's you easily generaate your favorite Facebook style Widget and also easily add to your Blogger Blog.In my previous Article (How to Add a Static Facebook jQuery Pop out Widget) I told you about Static Facebook POP OUT Widget installation manually.Use this Widget generator and Enjoy..!
Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
Go to Design->Edit HTML[Template->Edit HTML in new blogger interface]
Copy below code inside <head>
How to Add a Stylish Flash Animated Clock to your Blogger

Here I am saying about How to Add a Stylish Flash Animated Clock to your Blogger Blog.Here is a huge collection of Clock widgets for your taste.Follow the Simple Steps below to make your Blog Stylish,Cool, and Smart looking Blog.
First of all SignIn to your Blogger Account
Select Design->Page Elements
Click on Add Gadget
Select HTML/javascript from it,then copy the code of clock you want.
Step 1: If you want a NON Static Clock Widget,then Just copy and paste the code to HTML/javascript content.
If you want a cool static clock,then first do the step above and Cl
Animated Flash Clock,
Blogger widgets,
How to setup flying letters below mouse pointer blogging trick
How to setup flying letters below mouse pointer.This a simple article that Spice your Blog.After inserting this Code,When you move mouse over your Blog, you will see that Letters you SET in the below code will flying like a Animation.
Install Flying Letters Below Mouse Widget
Make sure you had Backed up your Template(How To BackUp Template?)
Sign In to your Blogger Account
Go to Design->Edit HTML
Find </body> (Find Easily Using Ctrl+F) and Copy and Paste the below Code
<script type="text/javascript">var text=' ENTER YOUR FLYING TEXT HERE &#
Blogger tricks,
Blogging Trainings
Smooth Jquery Scroll to Top widget generator for Blogger v.1
Random Posts widget is an awesome widget for your Blogger Blog.Most important feature of this widget is it lets your Blog visitors to surf more blog posts in your blog.Surely it increases your Blog's internal links that lets your blog higher traffic.Its let your users to spend more time in your Blog.Install Random Posts Widget
Make sure you are Sign In to your Blogger Account.
If you are a beginner in Blogger Editing ,use our one click Widget
Click the below Add to Blogger Button to install
Manually Add Random Posts Widget
Sign In to your Blogger Account.
Go to Design-&g
Blogger tricks,
Blogging Trainings