Recent Tricks
Easy ways to make money online with blogs

When you take the time to read all the opinions, it’s clear there are some people who think you can make a lot of money with blogging and others who think it’s just a nice sideline and can’t be monetized properly at all.
What it all comes down to in the end is the way you use your blogs if you’re looking to line your pockets with cash. Following are a few proven ways that you can make money but be forewarned, regardless of the path you choose it takes a lot of work and there are no guarantees.
Affiliate Marketing
Simply put, this is a great way to work on commission
Blogger tricks,
Blogging Trainings
increased My Blogger Blog Subscription Rate

Most of bloggers use this word to convince readers to subscribe : subscribe !!
A week and a half ago I had a sudden realization. Subscriptions generally cost money. Think about that for a second. It’s jarring, especially if you’ve spent the past few months or even years incessantly asking your readers to subscribe.
Word Association
The percentage of readers who misunderstand what you mean when you ask them to subscribe is largely dependent on your niche. Readers who know what RSS is probably aren’t confused by the terminology, but most web users have no clue about RSS.
Search Engine Optimization,
seo for blogger
Floating Facebook Like Box Widget For Blogger

In This Post i will show you how to add a Floating Facebook Like Box Widget For Blogger.
This will Floating Facebook Button when to move your cursor on it it pop out with stylish floating facebook like box. This widget can help you to increase facebook likes. You just need to our small code to your blogger blog. Currently this widget is only for Bloggeer/Blogspotblogs.
Go to Design > Page Elements.
Click Add A Gadget.
Select HTML/Javascript .
Paste the following code inside it,
<script type="text/javascript"> /*<
Most of us use to start their free blog which may be for making money or sharing your knowledge, voice through blogging. But if your blog is not Search Engine Friendly than you can not archive your goal. For this purpose you need to make your blog fully Search Engine Optimized and add meta tag to blogger so that people searching their keywords will easily knows your site. Just follow following simple steps to add meta tag to blogger.
Step 1:
Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit Html and search for <head>
Step 2:
Delete Every Thing From <head> to <b
Search Engine Optimization,
seo for blogger
Free Mashable Blogger Template For Free

Mash 2 is one of the most downloaded template with more than 4000 happy users and I used to get lots of emails and comments for making the template.To be frank, the overwhelming response has made to create Mash 2 which has more features and it fixes the previous version bugs. So time to see the Mash 2, who those who were expecting this for many days.
Template Features
New big size banner at the header with size 728×90
Latest post in big size (Inspired from Mashable)
Small thumbnails with grabs the image automatically and crops it
Cool page navigation to give Mashable feel
Blogger Templates,
SEO Templates,
creat Drop Down Menu In Blogger With HTML/CSS

why look for menu with jquery when you can create very nice menu with CSS and HTML?So in this tutorial we will see how to create this drop down menu on blogger blog.
Go To Blogger > Design > Page Elements
Select a HTML/JavaScript
paste the code bellow
<div id='mbtnavbar'><ul id='mbtnav'><li><a href='#'>Home</a></li><li><a href='#'>About</a></li><li><a href='#'>Contact</a></li><li><a href='#'>Sitemap</a><ul><li><a href='#'>Sub Page #1</a>&
Get Free EDU BackLinks for blogger and websites

If you are searching for free .edu website to build b backLink, I invite you to read this article (How To Get Free EDU BackLinks) and get A list of free .edu backlink providing sites to increase your rank.
Why .edu BackLinks?
.EDU Backlinks are incoming links to a blog or website from .edu sites or blog that whav e power to increase your ranking in google and alexa.backlinks from other then .edu site have also power but the power of .edu site will break all simple site and boost your ranking. Usually, edu sites are colleges or universities and they only link