Recent Tricks
How To Add Lightbox Effect To Blogger

Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. The Lightbox effect is useful when your post has many images or images with large sizes, it helps people to save time browsing images in an impressive way. We’ll see how to add Lightbox effect toBlogger (blogspot) blogs.
We are going to use the jQuery Lightbox plugin for Blogger. And before going into detail, you might want to see Lightbox in action (click on the image above to enlarge).
How to install
Login to Blogger Dashboard, go to Design, Edit HTM
What’s your best writing technique?
It all comes down to the same end result (words on the screen and ultimately in a blog) but there are many different paths to that mountaintop. Some writers like to write early in the morning or late at night, while other scribes can only do the work necessary for their blogs in the basement or in the backroom on the first floor of their homes.
Regardless of how you personalize the process, there are some techniques that have been around long enough to be called traditions. Check out a few of these below but feel free to add you own additions.
Write the first draft all the way thr
Blogging Trainings,
Blogging Tricks
How to Makes A Good Domain?

The domain name for your website is going to be the first thing that your visitors see. Whether they are typing it into their address bar or they are choosing it from a search engine, they are going to see it before they see the actual website. This means that it needs to be good. It cannot be just anything, especially when you consider how a poor choice can affect traffic. You want to make sure that more and more people are choosing you over the competition. You want your name to be something that is memorable and gives information. With a little creativity and thinking, you
Website Designing
Colorize Your Posts in the WP Dashboard According to Their Status

The best thing about using WordPress is that you’re able to do anything by adding a new plugin.
You could make your WP admin dashboard look better, more modern and have a flat design better than the ugly default one. You could also speed up your WP blog.
Another thing you could do is colorize your posts in the WP dashboard according to their status.
One of the things I struggle with is looking for drafts for my coming guest posts between my published posts.
I always love to create more than a guest post at a time. That’s why I struggle a lot to find the guest post
Wordpress Blogging
How Email Marketing Made Easy with iContact

Yesterday, I did a write-up on PRWeb and how that service can allow businesses of all sizes to distribute their press releases to all sorts of news organizations. This can really help to generate some buzz and increase visibility, but how do you retain those contacts? There’s a reason why so many Internet marketers will tell you that the power is in the list… but how do you manage that list?
Another product from Vocus approaches that exact situation and it’s called iContact. If you’re looking for an award-winning email marketing provider that can help you grow your business
Blogging Trainings,
Blogging Tricks
Use Social Media to Create a Successful Blog

Are you searching for effective ways to grow your online audience while increasing your blog traffic? Social media is an efficient tool for promoting your blog and making it popular among your target audience. Businesses have successfully extended their blog’s reach using social media sites such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterst, Google+, and of course Facebook and Twitter.
9 Tips for Using Social Media to Successfully Promote Your Blog
Let’s take a look at our Top 9 Tips for Promoting Your Blog Using Social Media:
Post to Social Media Profiles Using Feed Tools
Twitterfeed, and various
Amazing Image Mouse Hover Effects for Blogger
You might have seen a roll over Image effect in many professional and commercial blogs. By roll over I mean that when you hover your mouse cursor on the Image, the image border colour and style/appearance changes. Well using some simple CSS you can add some amazing effects to your Blog Images. Without wasting any time lets jump straight to the steps to be followed.
This tutorial uses a simple pattern for adding codes i.e First you will need to add a CSS code just above ]]></b:skin> and then you will need to add a small HTML code like class="xyz" to the image co
Fade Effect with Clickable Images In Blogger
Most of you requested a tutorial on how to make images clickable in blogger posts, sidebars and footers so the tutorial today will not only teach you that but will also share the beautiful trick of adding the fading effect to the images i.e. the images will fade on mouse hover. So lets get things done!
How to make an image clickable?
The complete clickable image code looks like this,
<a href="LANDING URL" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE LINK" width="" height="" alt="" title="" border="0" />
Blogging Trainings,
Blogging Tricks